Arise Compatriots!

On this day under the hot sun listening to the cool background old school afrobeat made me felt like I was in the 90's. Starring at the breezy afternoon all I could imagine was the thoughts flashing through the busy mind of this hopeless faces around me. They seem happy but sad, strong but weak, okay but hungry. Smokes in the air and the burden some vibrating generators at the garage couldnt let me discern the way forward for my great country. 'Green White Green' they say is the color of my fathers' land but all I could see was 'Red! Red!! Red!!'. What is the hope for these ones around me that call themselves workers, working all day and night yet their income is nothing to write home about. The hawkers, taxi divers, marketers of different sort of goods, mechanics, carpenters, abokis, mallams,  barbers, welders, the farmers,  salesmen and sales women I salute. They keep our country running on an economical scale suitable and affordable for the mass. They sacrifice their all day and night comfort for our everyday comfort.  They receive no accolades nor appreciation still they won't give up in boosting our economy with little or no interest. The government and parastatals, politicians, oil and gas sectors, i have no complaint but all I demand for is equity of distribution. These set of human resources you call informal and irresponsible have done more good than evil for the success of our country. If I could recall, our leaders looting here and there, governors, senators and ministers shopping and investing abroad. Well I don't criticize your actions and decisions nor blame you for the financial detriment of our country. But you have turned the silent nights of many into cries of frustration. All we ask that you take a new turn a little sacrifice to invest in and secure the future of our great land. Every one may not be rich but every one could be happy. On this ground we are pleading,  praying and soliciting on behalf of our future that you forget not the song anthem of our great land. Great people!  Great nation!
